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Robert Zimmermann

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Falling in Fiji (The Falling in Paradise Series) (Volume 1)
Casey Hagen, Lisa Ricard Claro
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Review: Never Again, by Rosa Storm

Never Again - Rosa Storm, Mark Stone

I’ve read work from this author under her real name, but this is my first venture into the work of Rosa Storm. Having that prior reading experience, I can see that all that I’ve enjoyed about this author’s writing in the past shines through to this story as well. The major difference, it’s much darker and there’s even more depth, drawing the reader into the character’s situation.


What this story does is give readers a glimpse at what can happen if someone in a dangerous, abusive situation is pushed too far and the aftermath. Storm knows how to get her readers into the character’s head and see the motivations, justifications for her actions, and emotions. Not much is held back on the page, and yet I didn’t see the ending coming. That’s the true skill shining through this story.

Source: http://alifeamongthepages.wordpress.com/2014/11/19/review-never-again-by-rosa-storm