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Robert Zimmermann

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Falling in Fiji (The Falling in Paradise Series) (Volume 1)
Casey Hagen, Lisa Ricard Claro
Progress: 141/286 pages
Futures and Frosting - Tara Sivec It’s been quite awhile since I read Tara Sivec’s first Chocolate Lover’s book, [b:Seduction and Snacks|15704001|Seduction and Snacks (Chocolate Lovers, #1)|Tara Sivec|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1371178840s/15704001.jpg|21365702]. Because of this, I was happily surprised with how easily I fell back into the story that began in book one.

One of the best things this book and series has going for it are the characters and the dialogue they have. Sivec has spared no one from the obnoxious, outrageous, and flat-out insane antics of Clare and her friends. Gavin, her son, will have most readers either appalled or in tears (maybe both) whenever he happens into a scene…which is often.

I feel that I enjoyed this book even more than the first for a few reasons. First, I think it helps that a lot of the characters, their relationships, etc…it was all already established. The comedy and story in general were allowed to play out and I was already familiar with things. I also feel that there was a better balance between the story and the sex scenes (often hilarious ones) in this one. The series can’t go on without them, but in Seduction and Snacks I felt there were too many or a few were out-of-place, enough to get in the way of my enjoyment of the story. In Futures and Frosting, I think the balance was found.

I don’t really have any complaints about this book. If I were to point out something for readers to beware of, it’d be going from one chapter to the next. Depending on the chapter, the point of view will be Claire’s or Carter’s. This threw me off often early in book one. Now in book two, I was ready for it, but it wasn’t always easy to figure out who for was talking for a few paragraphs. Most of the time it wasn’t too awkward though. Putting the character’s name under the chapter title would have fixed up any confusions. Maybe book three will utilize that option. And I WILL be jumping into book three much faster than I did from one to two.