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Robert Zimmermann

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Falling in Fiji (The Falling in Paradise Series) (Volume 1)
Casey Hagen, Lisa Ricard Claro
Progress: 141/286 pages
12.21.12 - Killian McRae I’m glad I checked out 12.21.12. It was a great change of pace from what I’ve been reading and put a nice twist on a doomsday myth popular in today’s culture, even after the passing of the December 21st date.

Even though I read this book after the prophesied “end of the world” date, I still felt the suspense and thrill held within the story. I’m always a fan of a fast-paced book filled with action and peril. That’s what 12.21.12 gave me. It also had some great characters in there to help the story along.

Along with the story itself was a twist on the way one can look at the mythology of various world cultures and in the same sense, ancient religions…or religion in general. This is something of great interest to me, and seeing it in a book, while I can’t get too into detail due to spoilers, made it that much more of a better read for me.

If you’re looking for a fast read, with an end-of-the-world premise, maybe 12.21.12 is a book you’d like to check out.