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Review: The Mountain Lion's Secretary, by Lila Jean

The Mountain Lion's Secretary (A Billionaire BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Billionaire Security Shifters) - Lila Jean

Billionaire Shifter Romance. It’s rare that those three words are strung together in a book I’ve read, but it happens. That’s the case for The Mountain Lion’s Secretary, the debut novella from Lila Jean’s Billionaire Security Shifters series. And I have to say, I was surprised to enjoy it as much as I did.


When those words from above are strung together in a sentence, sometimes my eyes roll. I want to be perfectly honest with that. But I think my days of eye rolling are over. (That’s a lesson in judging too fast. Even as open minded as I am, I have my flaws.) One of the things that made me like the book was the balance between the more intimate scenes and the plot not getting bogged down by them. I’ve read books that had too much sex in them for their own good. This isn’t one of them. And it’s well-written and helps in building the relationship between the two main characters.


Those two characters are also part of why I enjoyed the book. This is a short book, so there’s not much room to have developed the characters, but with the space available, the author didn’t lack in too many areas. I was able to get to know Zane and Mara. I was also able to see them grow together romantically and on their own.


There was also some action, which should be expected when you have humans changing into dangerous animals. One of the animals in particular intrigues me and I hope to see that one focused on in future books in the series. It doesn’t quite fit into our modern world (or the “real world” in general), so I’d like to see how Jean expands on her minor world building and maybe shows how they’re possible. (I’m being vague because it’s fun and could ruin the fun if I told you the animal.)


Would I read more books from Lila Jean? That’s a very strong yes. I’m also wanting to explore the shifter romance genre more. Now to find where to start while I wait for more from Jean.

Source: http://alifeamongthepages.wordpress.com/2016/06/07/review-the-mountain-lions-secretary-by-lila-jean